Sun. Allow 1 square foot per plant. Summer Sweet produces blocky, thick walled, sweet-fleshed fruit that ripens to yellow. Despite last years cool summer, Summer Sweet produced fully ripened fruit in our relatively high altitude, cool garden.
Full sun. Sweet Sunrise produces blocky 3 and 4 lobed sweet and fruity yellow/orange peppers when fully ripe. A reliable pepper in our northern gardens.
Full sun. 65 days green, 85 days red ripe. These are relatively mild hot peppers (2,000 Scoville units), known as Poblano when green and Ancho when dried.Use them for roasting, for making chile powder and sauces, and mole. They are also suitable for stuffing.
Sun. 8 inches tall, spread 11 inches. Petchoa is a cross of a petunia and a calibrachoa. Caliburst yellow is a vibrant yellow with 2 1/2″ flowers.
Full sun to partial shade. Shock Wave petunias are small flowered (1″ to 1 1/2″), low mounding, spreading plants (30″ to 36″). Opening a deep purple and fading through mid-lavender to pale lavender. Shock Wave provides a mass of color for your border and containers
Sun to light shade. Provide at least 5 hours of direct sunlight for petunias for optimal flower production. Height 14 inches, spread 24 inches. African Sunset is a 2014 All-American Selection winner. It provides a new color, orange fading to a peachy orange, to petunia selections. A multiflora selection with a 2 1/2” blossom. For the border and containers.